Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 6

Nothing to show for my loss
1. Recall the first time after you lost your child when you realized you had empty arms? What emotions did you encounter.
The first time I realized I had empty arms was right after I lost the baby. While sobbing on the bathroom floor I could think about was how am I going to tell Tyler he's not gonna have a baby brother or sister any more? Then I thought about how I was going to live without this baby. It was such a gift and I wanted him so bad. The emotions I encountered most ofter was grief and sadness. I also felt comforted by the outpouring of support I received and the love God poured down on me.
2. Some women who lost children said that aching arms was a common occurrence for them and holding something helped ease the pain. What could you hold?
I have a raggedy Ann doll that I hold a lot and I have a blanket that Pam got me with Noah on it. I sometimes hold that too. It does help my "aching arms" a lot.
3. Jesus was innocent, yet willing to suffer and died. How does His example give you hope?
his example gives me hope because I know getting to Heaven to be with him is the ultimate healing. My arms will never ache again once I'm there.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the hardest was after my due date and thinking i should be holding my baby. It does get better. I try to remember that they were such a special sprit that they did not need to be born i can hold them when i get to heaven but for they are with my family that is already there.
